Memento Green

Tranportation as a sustainable service

Our unique approach combines strategic intelligence with integration of new technologies.

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The way we do things around here

Drive less, move faster, travel more!

Our goal to offer transportation as a service meant to unify all transport services into one coherent, easy to use and socially responsible solution. MementoGreen came naturally, as a practical representation of our customers’ needs: interconnecting their ground and flight transport options. The natural thing to do was to create our own ride alternative to existing options on the market, one that could provide high-class services at ride-sharing costs, while also keeping a clean environment.
MementoGreen has an extensive network of routes across Romania connected in several hubs, with the biggest one is the Central Bus Station in Bucharest. 

MementoKids is a specially designed service meant to suit parents’ needs when it comes to their kids transportation options. Its purpose is to offer highly secured supervised services provided for a full range of unaccompanied minors’ transportation requests.

  • Fast booking process via the mobile app
  • Safe and supervised drive
  • Professional, specialized drivers
  • IP Camera for real time child surveillance during the drive
  • Comfortable electric cars perfectly suited for efficient urban trips

What we do?

Mixed transport services

  • Green shuttle buses for airport transfers (ongoing project)
  • Electric cars from our own fleet & from our partners


„Travel is a force for good. Always has been, always will be. It connects us on a higher deeper level culturally, emotionally, physically. It opens our eyes, minds and hearts. In our digital times, its capacity to deliver personal transformation increases exponentially.”

Cristian Pandel
Founder & President Memento Group